i am my community,
my community is me
Community Preschool of Huntersville is a modern preschool focusing on the well-being of the whole child from Nursery through PreKindergarten. We offer comprehensive programs to meet the needs of working families in our community. CPH offers year round schooling.
Growing our littlest community members into inquisitive, well rounded, caring children is our purpose.
We encourage you to explore our site and experience the excitement of YOUR new Community Preschool!
we serve and support our students, families, educators and community
At Community Preschool of Huntersville, we implement an inquiry based approach to early childhood education. Our students are encouraged to ask questions, explore new ideas and learn through play.
our programs
programs we offer
Your child’s educational journey starts here! From the Nursery to PreKindergarten programs, students are nurtured and inspired to reach their highest personal potential. At CPH, we love our students!
10 weeks to 24 months
24 months to 36 months
3 years to 4 years
4 years to 5 years
our curriculum
a custom curated selection of educational resources
We consulted with experts in the field of early childhood education in Europe, Asia and North America to curate a stunning array of curriculum and educational enrichment activities and environments. At CPH, our educational components follow our mission to nurture and inspire students every day!
our enrichment programs
local, community-based educational supplements
Enrichment activities at Community Preschool of Huntersville are designed to supplement the base curriculum and philosophy of the CPH programs. From local Reading Buddies to the Healthy Kids Program and the CPH Impact Initiative, we foster Community Partnerships to enhance students’ learning adventure!
lead with your heart
honor nature
be kind
honor self
praise empathy
learn by doing
honor feelings
challenge the norm
honor nature • be kind • honor self • praise empathy • learn by doing • honor feelings • challenge the norm •
CPh Careers
let’s grow together!
Community Preschool of Huntersville is hiring dedicated, professional, team-oriented educators! We offer a welcoming and positive working environment where we support your career goals and creative aspirations. Join the CPH family!
Fill out the following form to make an inquiry
Fill out the following form to make an inquiry