10 weeks to 24 months
From birth, children begin to develop relationships; first with their parents and families, and then with their educators and other children
In the Nursery there is a world of new experiences that your baby will discover, which is why we place a strong importance on relationship building.
As your child meets new people for the first time, they will start to develop beginning relationship skills along with trust and communication. Our educators work closely with each child, taking time to respond, acknowledge and communicate with our littlest students. We focus on building respectful and caring relationships to enable your child to trust their educator and achieve a strong sense of belonging. This empowers them to progress with their development through exploring the world and those around them.
Developmental Goals
Understands simple communicative gestures like pointing to what they want or waving “bye bye”
Sits without support and stands by pulling themselves up using furniture
Responds to own name being called, family names and familiar objects
Show initial signs of empathy and kindness to others

Community Preschool of Huntersville – Nursery Program includes, trained Nursery educators who are all first aid/cpr certified, electronic parent portal access to baby’s full day with daily sheet and interaction with teachers, classroom has a separate quiet “sleep” space for babies, each baby is assigned his/her own crib that is sanitized every day.
The Nursery Infant Classrooms run on a very independent schedule per each student. Every student has his/her own schedule that is posted in the classroom. At CPH, we work together with parents to provide a well rounded schedule and make sure parents are fully informed of their baby’s day, activities, diet and disposition.
PreToddlers (12-24mo) have a transitional classroom environment where our little ones begin with a more structured class schedule such as eating together as a class, napping on cots and sitting at a table in a chair. Our educators are talented at working with little ones to learn how to drink from cups, eat with forks and spoons and begin to use their words. It’s incredible to see our little ones expand and grow with love, support and gentle guidance.

Both the Infant classrooms and PreToddler classrooms are calm environments with music, art, puppets, books, baby dolls and lots of age appropriate manipulative toys.
Babies and young toddlers also have access to the CPH Sensory/Tactile Room. The Sensory/Tactile Room is a special play space just for our babies. There is an assortment of gross motor play equipment, balls, texture and tactile boards and big manipulative play boards. We believe babies and young toddlers need special spaces too! This unique environment is designed to give babies extra space when it’s too hot or raining outside – we love active and happy babies at CPH!
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